Our Melons

The climatic needs of the melon are inverse to those of the lettuce. In this case, we start production in our fields in Cartagena and we move the crops to the North of the province of Murcia, Albacete and Baza.


The Galia melon is  a small , spherical melon , with an earthy yellow color, the weight of which does not usually exceed one kilo.

The skin is earthy yellow , with some hints of green, and is furrowed by numerous light yellow striations, which give it a very rough texture.


                  JUN JUL AUG SEP
Galia melon                


It has a characteristic yellow color in its smooth and soft bark. It contains a very juicy, sugary pulp and also with yellow tones. Its weight ranges between 2 and 3 Kg. And the shape of its structure is oval.


                  JUN JUL AUG SEP
Yellow melon                


Very low in calories but very rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C and folates B9, Cantaloup melon is considered a super food and it is highly recommended that it be part of our diet during the season in which it is produced. It is also very moisturizing and its consumption is highly recommended during hot summer days.


                  JUN JUL AUG SEP
Cantaloupe melon                
Melón Piel de Sapo

Toad skin

Oval melon with a weight between 1.5 and 2 Kg. Its meat is white or yellowish, compact, crisp, with a very sweet and refreshing flavor. Instead, its skin is green, fine and occasionally reticulated. It has a central cavity that houses a large number of small yellow nuggets.


                  JUN JUL AUG SEP
Toad skin melon